Aug 9, 2009

Show me your twits

I signed up to Twitter a while back because one of my regularly read blogs (Michael's wonderful Pipedreams) sort of went to an all twitterific format a while back, and I wanted to keep abreast of his wit. It's addictive.
He also writes some of the best twitter comments I've read, by the way, (even if half of them I don't quite understand).

Then, of course, more and more of my friends went to twittering....and well, one has to keep up, I suppose.
But it's hard.
The trouble is, that I never quite know what to twit.
I freeze up.
The point of twitter is to keep it short and current, and that's never been my forte, especially the short part. So mostly I'm a twitter voyeur.

Every time I'm tempted to put something up there, I hesitate. I can't think of anything witty. And it's never succinct, and my mundane life seems even more mundane than most.

What am I going to write? "In bed, reading twitters from wittier people than I. Eating too many Pepperidge Far..."

And then the letter limit will probably cut me off.

I mean even here I've wasted how many characters? just to tell you all that I have nothing to say. It's hopeless.


Ur-spo said...

fie on twitter!
keep blogging!

mrpeenee said...

I agree with Ur-spo. Who needs a post-it when you can have the actual details you provide so charmingly?

sam said...

well i think you're fantastic at both. KISSES!

govtdrone said...

I really like twitter because 1. i can just spew my random thoughts as they come to me and 2. i got bored with my blog awfully fast and twitter keeps my (sjhort) attention span.

Michael said...

I twitter because I can't really write, and I don't have much to say.

YOU, on the other hand (which is my left, curiously more moisturized hand), never fail to entertain in a longer format. Never stop.

Also, you're the sweetness at the bottom of my pie.

The Mistress said...

Show me your...

Oh dear. Twits. I misread it.

*covers up*

Jill said...

I can't twitter...for the same reason. After too many glasses of wine last night, I apparently got on facebook and typed in "fuckers"... I have no idea why. Sad, yes?

Anonymous said...

I remain twitter-less....I mean there are only so many hours in a day...

Elizabeth said...

There may be wittier twits by twittier wits, but you, my dear, write like a dream. Keep on keepin' on!

Silly Monkey said...

I only signed up on Twitter to spy on an ex. So far, he's pretty boring, like every twitter thingy I've ever read.

Who cares if you're on the toilet and just wiped? Or if one post says, "I'm driving on the GNO bridge" and the next post says, "Call 911."

Twitter = too much useless information. Give me a detailed blog post any day.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Twitter change it's name to «Blabber»?