2:50 pm, Camp Street:
Young gay hipster, all Ben Sherman plaid shirt, skinny jeans and Ray Bans, flailing arms indignantly, telling his bored female friend about his "total bitch" of a boss.
3:00 pm, Pleasant St.:
A freshly dead parrot carcass, flattened on the brick banquette
11:30 pm, Canal St.:
Five police men in the foyer of the Ritz Carlton. A trail of blood on the marble floor leads from door to elevator, a demitasse sized pool of blood in the elevator.
Another trail on floor 3.
11:32, Ritz Lobby:
My friend's friend: "What happened?" Concierge: "I don't know."
Janitor, with mop, furtively: "um...just a lil Ike and Tina, you know."
12:01 am, Royal St.:
Two prostitutes, both in white shorts and Burlington Coat Factory heels, leaning on the gate of the police station, mopping the sweat off their brows, half-heartedly trying to solicit us.
Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 16th, 2025
That’s right, kittens! Your manly hosts had so much red carpetry upon which
to opinionate this week, that we have a genuine, bona fide, for real
rundown ...