Nov 25, 2008


So, because I'm pathetic and usually get a bit lonely around the holidays, I put out a little solicitation for some platonic female friends.

(I mean, after all, this whole sex-with-men thing doesn't seem to be working out very well, does it? )

Anyway, I got one response, from what I'm sure is a lovely lady. There's just one thing that gives me pause. Ok, well, maybe five.

Email address:


Pretty much every part of that address scares me (and let's just say that the domain name is not helping her cause any either, if you know what I mean).

Of course, sicko that I am, I'm half hoping she's something like her.

But I'm just not that lucky.


joe*to*hell said...

where does a fag post for a hag?

TJB said...

Re: that photo...I thought you were NOT posting for M4M action, Jason.

Miss Janey said...


mrpeenee said...

Darling, this is just why rentboys are THE answer.

larry said...

looks like an ex dallas cowboys cheerleader...

Elizabeth said...

How can it be that an intelligent gay man like yourself, with a wonderfully dry sense of humor, doesn't have a flock of hags? My goodness! What is wrong with those people in New Orleans?

I know Miss Janey and I are only cyber hags, but I believe we would both happily gossip and boy watch with you for hours on end, till our abandoned husbands begged us to come home.

Colleen said...

OMG! I'll be your PFF! I am the hag without an offical fag!
I'm not much like Rodeo, though, except when I laugh really bawdily loud.
Wait, is that her name? Rodeo? Was it Dallas? Wait that's Barbie's horse's name...