This is great. I work with a talented young man who would love this as he is a "cat" person. Alas, he is also one of the most passive aggressive assholes to walk God's green earth, so I can't share it with him. But one day I will find someone I can share it with. It just won't be him.
The end is near
Cookie has, for some time now, thought about closing up shop on this blog.
I mean DHTiSH has had a good run, but after 15 years, it's time for a
In Which My Blog Fights Back
I don’t know what is going on with WordPress, the application which
publishes my fabulous blog. I scraped together a post on Friday afternoon,
hit the publ...
Birthday Sluts
Meredith Baxter (72) & Michael Gross (72) Rebecca Black (22) Sharna Burgess
(34) Lana Del Rey (34) Kris Allen (34) Jujubee (35) Michael Malarkey (36)
How Things Work
- is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
This always makes me laugh too!
i've never seen it...and now i'm about to swipe it. it's great.
wv: purtat
okay, so it's missing the "w"
OMG, hahaha
...thought I was the only one!
Hope that cat has a tissue box nearby~ha*
LOVE that!
"We all make mistakes, that's why they put rubbers on pencils, and that's what I did. I made a few loo-loos!"
-Ethel Merman
Brilliant. Kitty Porn
This is great. I work with a talented young man who would love this as he is a "cat" person. Alas, he is also one of the most passive aggressive assholes to walk God's green earth, so I can't share it with him. But one day I will find someone I can share it with. It just won't be him.
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