Wishing everyone out there a wonderful new decade! It's soon to be upon us.
*found by way of the wonderful sissydude and thombeau
Sometimes the cock just has to let the kitty ride.
Ever read the myth of King Midas?
I re-heard this today in TJ Maxx (don't judge...well, try not to at least. I know it's hard).
Anyway, when the list of "favorite songs of Jason" is written, (probably buried under a mountain of filty Betty Wright) will be this. It's perfect image of how I hope heaven is....but with slightly better tablecloths.
Anyway again, I hope in the afterlife, I get to be half as debonaire as Bryan Ferry...for at least a few hours.
1. Eat "Cajun injected" anything.
2. Dig a book out of neighbor's garbage.
3. Read a book by Sylvia Browne from neighbor's garbage.
4. Corn.
5. Look at photos of yourself, recent or old.
6. Visit match.com.
7. Stay sober.
about jayden
jayden comes from usa nevada :
god help me to be the person my psyciatrist medicates me to be. sometimes i need a big dick in my ass sumtimes i need a thight hole round my cock and sumtimes i just need a hug.
Hi there, I am new to this and am tryng to have some fun with new friends. Get in touch and maybe we can meet up.