Or even now? I'm mean, I'm still here...and so is Paris, right?
Hell, I'll even drive.
Ubiquitous Saints paraphernalia. The worst crowds were gathered around the big screen tvs on the corners showing the game.
Crowds of people. Doesn't it look like a small country town?
Garçon avec des canapés a la poboy? Or something like that.
Even the sushi place had a special Japanese style poboy menu. They looked good actually.
Bananas in November
Carlos's finger pointing out the cute boy(s) he wanted me to photograph.
Chargrilled oysters, behind a police barricade...for the oysters' own safety I'm sure.
Popcorn carriage
Carlos's big sausage.
The photo I'd taken of my own meal, a delicous poboy from Emerils, of fried green tomatoes, shrimp remoulade and bacon, unfortunately disappeared. I don't know what happened. I dropped the camera somewhere in the art market and, poof, there it went.
Even sadder is when I went to get a fried bread pudding poboy which Dennis said was great, they had run out. Bummer.
I had to settle for gelato.