1. Nothing is cuter than a group of nuns...in habits...at an sidewalk cafe...at night...eating croissants...playing with a puppy.
2. There's never a camera when needed.
3. "Smushed" is a "Jersey shore verb" which is also a Westbank verb, but then many are.
4. I have a New Orleans accent (ahem)
5. The Banana Republic model who catches your eye while gayly prancing out of his Land Rover at Whole Foods will surprisingly (?) retrieve one of a set of twins from his homely wife and proceed to prance to the cheese counter, with her lumbering behind him.
6. I have two gray eyebrow hairs.
7. Missourians pronounce it "Missouruh" in the northern part of the state. Brad Pitt is from Missouruh.
8. I don't care.
9. Nicholas Cage, in real life, is small and thin and looks "like Phyllis Diller".
10. I really want to see Phyllis Diller.
11. Blood oranges aren't worth the extra price.
12. How ridiculously fun it is to read lines with Tallulah Bankhead.
Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 16th, 2025
That’s right, kittens! Your manly hosts had so much red carpetry upon which
to opinionate this week, that we have a genuine, bona fide, for real
rundown ...
sorry honey... brad pitt is from SOUTHERN Missouri (Springfield) where it is pronounced Missour-ee...
and we have a number 13.
ONLY TWO gray eyebrow hairs?! Betch I am constantly tweezering for fear folks will mistake me for Einstein.
It is fun isn't it? Are you doing the Penelope Pepper accent? I'll try to record a couple more scenes for the coming week.
RE #6 - pluck 'em.
RE #12 - probably a lot more fun than partying with her - safer too!
Noo Awlins doesn't have "just for men facial/eyebrow/nose hair color" yet? Perhaps Brad will snail mail you sum from 'Ms. Zourie', land o' butter.
Nothing as charming as a good New Orlyuns accent. Expecially when taking a crack at "mayonnaise."
Yum...cracked mayonnaize on Brad...
That's "Jersey Shore" as in the MTV show ("smushed" was first used by Ronnie).
I had better post this anonymously.
I have one platinum blonde eyebrow hair...that's my story and I'm sticking with it!
I say, "tumped"...I think it's a Texas thing. Ex: That thar boat done tumped over!
I would love to hear your accent!
Here's 13, Jason: Miss J once made out with a complete stranger in a ba because he looked like Nicolas Cage. (In her defense, it was the early 90s & he didn't yet look like Miss Diller.)
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