I finally check my email. The subject of the lone one reads:
"A New Meetup Group That Matches Your Interests Has Started! "
(I'm half excited. I scroll down to the message: )
"Dykes and Dogs!
Doggy-centered hikes, excursions, and play dates at dog parks for queer women and their friends."
(hell, maybe I could borrow a dog. I could probably pass. Better than nothing, right?)
Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 16th, 2025
That’s right, kittens! Your manly hosts had so much red carpetry upon which
to opinionate this week, that we have a genuine, bona fide, for real
rundown ...
Uhm, no. Just, no.
jolly good fun!
I'd fly back to go with you. I'll wear my emo wig from Halloween. Also, I am quite fond of your Leda painting. I'd have said so earlier bt had no internet at the house in North Carolina.
personal history tells me that it's always a good idea to be a friend of the gals.
See, this is the type of thing Miss J might enjoy... How ya s'posed to meet people when people only wanna hang around their own "type"???
Or you could borrow a dyke...
Although salty Miss Jill might be on to something. Can you borrow a puppy for an afternoon? I never met so many men as when I was walking my dogs. It seems they soften the distinct look of "I'm gonna give you a bitch slap" that I tend to carry.
Do you suppose there's a lonely lesbian out there who is receiving emails about "Homos and House decor!"
That'd be about right, Elizabeth.
And it'd be easier to borrow a dog, I'm afraid.
You're too pretty to pass.
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