Jul 9, 2009

"no kissin' on the belly button and stoppin' now..."

Thanks to the ever fabulous tjb for reminding me of this at this ungodly hour.
My deep love for Millie has been documented here before, but I had almost forgotten this track. As you might expect, there's some profound wisdom in here, lemme tell you.

Still, I'd always been confused by her "AB" and "Orange Bird" reference. I'd never got it. I was too young and naive. Until reading the comments to this clip. Seems she's referencing none other than Anita Bryant herself. Makes it even more fabulous.


sam said...

fabulous is really the only word acceptable for this. NEED.

ayeM8y said...

Millie taught me the long dramatic pause when somebody tells you about something stupid that they have done AGAIN, “................Oh”.

jason said...

Millie taught me *everything*.