This is a wonderful day!
And my first thought is joy, especially for the couples I know.
I think of people like
Edie and Thea. This here is real love, people.
But maybe I'm just greedy, I just hope it leads to something more.
I mean I can't help but think about the rest of the world. So many people are in danger of death for being gay.
I feel like a Debbie Downer even writing this, but it weighs on my mind whenever gay marriage is mentioned.
Of course, more petty of me is the fact that if I were to get married, I'd be promptly fired. Somehow that's still legal.
Even more pettily, ain't nobody wanting to date me around here....let alone marry me.
But I digress..
I'm happy for the explosion of rainbows and expressions of love all over the internet today.
I just hope it's the beginning of more.