Jul 29, 2013

"There is Nothing Like a Dame"

The other day at the library I found this trashy little number on the shelves.
(Actually, it was rather thick, as befits its subject matter, I suppose.) 

Of course, I had to have a seat and glance through it.
It did not disappoint.  

This is the Liz book that needs to be filmed...even if it might require some CGI and work by Pixar.

 Anyway, here are a few excerpts that made me howl intrigued me:

Exhibit A.

 "She told Dick that Johansson was 'an absolute powerhouse in bed. I felt like three pounds of Swedish sausage was pounding inside of me...'"

This line provoked a chuckle. (and a quick image search for "Ingemar Johansson's three pound Swedish Sausage")

Ingemar himself

Rough approximation of Ingemar's sausage

Exhibit B.

Of course when I read this:

"You mean Peter?' Roddy said. 'Of course we're still friends even though we no longer bump pussies together.'"

I fell out.
I mean really?
Are you not laughing now too? 

I laughed so loudly that I risked the librarian's proverbial ire.

I mean, I don't know about you, but I couldn't help but hear it coming from this mouth:

Good times, Good times.


Jon said...

Nothing beats a trashy unauthorised biography to cheer you up! Jx

normadesmond said...

i might need to go find this one.

where was i...
...i never knew lawford was gay?

Diane said...

A. Norma, thank you for saying that first; I was feeling rather ignorant.

B. Goddamit Jason, why did you just remind me about that Lindsey Lohen train wreck of a movie that Mr. P forced me to watch. Back to therapy I go . . .

jason said...

I'd say I'm sorry, Diane...but now you've made *me* remember watching it too, so I guess you've had your revenge, haven't you?

The Cool Cookie said...

I had heard for years that Lawford was one of the most unhappy men in Hollywood, and that he was also not chosen where he stuck his pencil dick.

Anonymous said...

if you read rupert everett's "banana peel" book. apparently roddy mcdowell had one of the biggest dicks in hollywood and everybody knew about it.