That is pretty much proof that you've made it.
Anyway "Cloris" here would like to be my friend:

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This is not Dave or Bud. It is Mommie and Christina, who also could not have been nicer.
This is a poster at a coffee house in the Marigny. I don't know what Russian Hooligan Songs are, but I almost want to find out.
This is an ass crack.
We were driving behind a train of three such costumed merrymakers on bicycles, one with a giant pumpkin head, one who yelled out, "Greetings Mortals," and this one, riding on a seat six feet in the air on a bike in the shape of a dinosaur carcass.
This is his ass crack as he bent down to adjust a fibula or something.
"Celestain and Simeon allegedly shot Martes in the back of his head and left him for dead in the 2500 block of Constitution Place, where his body was found the next day. Following the murder, the pair allegedly drove Martes' car to a desolate area, where both men raped the 25-year-old woman.
They allowed her out of the car early Wednesday morning in the Bayou St. John neighborhood, then shot her several times, according to police records filed in court. She was transported to a local hospital in critical condition and is recovering from the incident, police said."
"Two narcotics detectives conducting surveillance at about 2 p.m. in the 3600 block of Frenchmen Street saw a dark Chevrolet Tahoe truck pass with its occupants spraying gunfire at a group of men on the sidewalk, according to a NOPD news release. No one was hit by the bullets.
The detectives gave chase in a marked patrol car and upon reaching the intersection of St. Denis and Frenchmen streets, the suspects opened fire on the officers, police said. The detectives returned fire and wounded Brandell Baptiste, 18, in the leg.
Blocks away, three suspects jumped from the vehicle as it drove away, said New Orleans Police Officer Sabrina Richardson. The driver continued on, and three of the men entered a residence nearby. Officers apprehended the trio shortly afterward, according to police, and recovered one of the handguns that was used in the shootout."
"A group of San Francisco first-graders took an unusual field trip to City Hall
on Friday to toss rose petals on their just-married lesbian teacher ...."