I guess now that those communist spoil sports have outlawed cockfighting, people around here have to find something to do.
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Three details:
1.not once, but twice
Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 16th, 2025
That’s right, kittens! Your manly hosts had so much red carpetry upon which
to opinionate this week, that we have a genuine, bona fide, for real
rundown ...
In Avondale no less...AVONDALE...things like this just don't happen in Avondale! Oh wait that's Avonlea...never mind.
I'd say yes, incest, given that in such a short story Sissy is twice referred to as his family's pit bull. (Lest the reader forget Sissy is not just any pit bull.)
I guess I've never really thought about how these things play out, but "when the woman suspected Laborde was having sex with the animal, she contacted investigators..." I'm wondering why Nancy Drew never worked a case like this.
It's not just incest, its rape. What is wrong with people???
I'm actually a little curious as to what exactly triggered his mother's suspicions?!
Let's hope Sissy wasn't late.
Maybe Sissy's a screamer?
Oh dear.... There are so many ways to go here, with Sissy and bitch as starting points. But I'll just stick with oh dear.
I suppose once you go Sissy...it's too good to miss-y.
When a man in BR was caught with his dog in his backyard his neighbor commented, " I don't think they wuz havin' sex. Why would he be havin' sex with a dog when he's got a full woman?" I guess this Avondale man had no full woman to turn to.
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