Don't be afraid to make an entrance.

Always exercise to keep fit.

Ladies love a man in a hat (even if it belongs to Madeline)

You can't go wrong in a designer label.

Black is a slimming, elongating color.

Don't be afraid to use a bit of discreet hair coloring.

These are rules all men should live by!
Oh my...I really like the white cock!
I need an image consultant. Are you available?
Is it really necessary to grasp your cock in order to call attention to it?
A reminder that the '70's must be the winner of the worst decade in fashion history.
Even if it belongs to Madeline - you crack me up.
But talking on your IPhone makes you seem more popular than you really are.
I have that exact same powder blue jumpsuit- for real- I actually wore if for some pregnancy shots with my first- oy vey.
All I've got to say is: HOT!
I'll sure be laughing in mah sleep tonight! :)
Are Blackulas back in season?!!
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