Sep 7, 2013

It's that time of the year....

for sassy, hip poppin' gay skeletons...again.
(@ biglots)


normadesmond said...

don't we all have a glow
in the dark friend like this?

mrpeenee said...

Dear god, you know this means you won't be able to walk into Walgreens without setting off all the motion activated novelties for the next six weeks.

ayeM8y said...

You can see sassy, hip poppin' gay skeletons at my local bar on Friday nights when they let the, "18 to get in, 21 to drink" twinky crowd.

And, it won't cost you $6.99 if you take one home to hear it's bones crunch!

Diane said...

I went to Goodwill this afternoon, and there were already decorations out. God help us every one.

Ur-spo said...

I found some plastic flamingo for the lawn - but they were skelatons rather - cute !

designing wally said...
