Sep 8, 2013


So today I found myself in Paris.

Ok, it was a warehouse up-river from the Salvation Army, but it could have been for all intents and purposes Paris.

There are times, when the light just hits right, and you make yourself believe....that it really does kind of feel like France here.

I mean, you know,  if Paris were like on the surface of the sun.....
with drag queens...and drive thru daiquiris...or something

But still...
les tricolores

les portes (I like to imagine they are magic, and that you could step through into the Louvre....or at least into one of those public urinals in Paris.  Better than Narnia!)
un blackamoor (is it wrong that I kind of want this? don't answer)

des lustres (is it wrong that I want every last one?)

les groceries que I-don't-know-what-I'll do-with -but-bought-since- they-were-on-sale.
                      I might just brush my teeth with that chestnut paste tomorrow.  What le hell, non?


Rhiannon said...

If you have any left over from the morning's brush, crème de marrons is lovely in crêpes with crème fraiche or sour cream. Of course channeling Varla Jean Merman's Cheez Whiz trick and squirting it right into your mouth is always a valid option.

jason said...

Crepes! That does sound perfect.
Maybe with icecream!

Or maybe just on a Ritz.

Jon DeepBlue said...

Ah! La nostalgie des Vieux-Pays as we call it up here! ;)

mrpeenee said...

You can make a lovely vinaigrette with walnut oil, but the oil goes off really fast. Is there anything worse than rancid nuts?

mrpeenee said...

Dear god, I sound like MJ.

The Mistress said...

@Peenee: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

kabuki zero said...

kabuki feels like he went to Paris with you! What great fun we had.

Diane said...

Darling, I love you for buying groceries just because they're French! And Peenee is right about walnut oil, whether he's channeling MJ or not.