Here are just a few of the front lawn Madonnas I saw in the five minute (!)
walk I took today from my car to the library.
What can I say, we love our virgins down here.
The end is near
Cookie has, for some time now, thought about closing up shop on this blog.
I mean DHTiSH has had a good run, but after 15 years, it's time for a
In Which My Blog Fights Back
I don’t know what is going on with WordPress, the application which
publishes my fabulous blog. I scraped together a post on Friday afternoon,
hit the publ...
Birthday Sluts
Meredith Baxter (72) & Michael Gross (72) Rebecca Black (22) Sharna Burgess
(34) Lana Del Rey (34) Kris Allen (34) Jujubee (35) Michael Malarkey (36)
How Things Work
- is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
all i have in my neighborhood
are a few shaytled battleaxes.
And God knows that NOLA is known for its virgins*.
*Or lack thereof
And one of them even bought her own grotto...
Gosh you can hardly walk a few feet without having to make the sign of the cross.
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