Jul 15, 2011

Sleepless (not ) in Seattle

So we're back.

In short, Seattle was wonderful....just amazing.
People in sweaters....in July. I don't think you heard me.
It's a wonderland up there.

Anyway, I've been on a plane for what seems like a few weeks, but here are some preliminary pictures.

But none of that Space Needle crap, though. Here are some better ones for you:

Poppies (?) blooming in the cracks on Capitol Hill.

Cha cha steps in bronze in the sidewalk, near our hotel.

Big aluminum pig selling pork sandwiches. Paradise!
Japanese hotdogs.

Chewing gum on wall

Some of the sticker art I stole from everywhere.

Caveman dancing with dumbells.

The presidential toilet on Air Force One (at the Museum of Flight).
La Toilette au Concorde (at the Museum of Flight). The French must have been tiny in the 1970s

Crepes on the street
Naked people on bikes on the street

Wigs on the street
Sticker art (making me a bit homesick)

Discovery Park: where the air smells like a lobster dinner

House we stumbled upon open for a yard sale, so of course we snooped around. Views of Mt. Rainier from the toilet, practically. Ridiculously beautiful.

Art: Leroy

Art: the Vargas (from a 1972 Playboy) I bought at the Pike Pl Market.

Art: wig in case


The Mistress said...

Wigs on the street?

Are you certain you're not in New Orleans?

David Toms said...

Make porn win cash???

designing wally said...

Oh, to wear a sweater in July....

normadesmond said...

i too was quite taken with my brief visit there years ago. even more taken a few years prior to that when i was born there.

ilduce said...

The ought to hire you to do all their tourist P.R.!

govtdrone said...

Yay! Thanks for the postcards!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know where to begin.

I love the pig truck, would have had three meals a day there.

Caveman is hysterical.

Why is Japan spelled with an "o"?

Gum wall is gross. Why do cities allow this? And encourage it? Worse than graffiti.

Air Force 1 toilet looks so wanting. Needs a designer, rather than a military engineer.

(My word verification is "mamroid". Funny.

Breezy said...

Museum of Flight!!!!! Now I know I have to go visit MSH's cousins in Seattle.

Thanks for the postcard. :-)

Mar gar et said...

Jason sells sweater shawls in Seattle.

Did you add gum to the wall?

mrpeenee said...

Welcome home, I'm glad you had a god time.

Salty Miss Jill said...

What a great trip. Thanks for sharing!

Thombeau said...

How freakin' awesome!

Whenever I make it back to Portland, you will have to visit. That's just that.

Jill said...

Best travel photos ever!