thanks, jc
Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 16th, 2025
That’s right, kittens! Your manly hosts had so much red carpetry upon which
to opinionate this week, that we have a genuine, bona fide, for real
rundown ...
OH Watermelon Motherfucker!!
Designing Wally said it best.
Weather. Oh lord.
That is my new mantra: "Watermelon, Watermelon, Motherfucker, Motherfucker."
I think I will use it tomorrow at work.
You mean I've been doing it wrong all these years?
I see spelling and grammar are not required.
Is Olive Juice, Olive Juice still acceptable?
Would Watermelon Mofo be acceptable?
Can I use "Kumquat, Kumquat Watermellon Kumquat" instead?
Although I think management needs to learn the difference between "whether" and "weather" first before they hasseling their stars.
Just sign me (with two snaps in a circle)
sensible !
This is the best thing ever.
What's this about watching the weather?????
Since when does 'watermelon watermelon motherfucker watermelon' NOT work? Who ARE these people?
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